
Trim College Multi Branch

Trim College Multi Branch

Multi Branch addon adds Multi Branch module in Natty College https://1.envato.market/smart_school . The use of this module Superadmin particular person can add other any want of colleges/branches the build Natty College is already place in as novel division in main Natty College (the build multi division addon is place in). After adding division Superadmin can…

Clear College Behaviour Records

Clear College Behaviour Records

Behaviour Information addon provides Behaviour Information module in Stunning Faculty https://1.envato.market/smart_school . The remark of this module teacher/crew can manufacture assorted incidents with certain/unfavourable marks after which build these incidents on college students, on this kind student will fetch more than just a few of incidents and their components. Additional on the session stop teacher/crew…

Smart School Online Course

Smart School Online Course

Online Course addon adds Online Course module in Smart School https://1.envato.market/smart_school . Using this module teacher/staff can create online free or paid online course with their study material based on video, audio or in document content format. These online courses can be purchase and access by students for online study anytime anywhere. Smart School Version…

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