Quiz Plus – An ultimate solution for Quiz/Exam/Survey

Author: Sangib_123sahaPrice: $39

Are you thinking to upgrade your existing examination or assessment system?

I think you just come to the right place.

Quiz Plus is developed for your institutions like Schools, Colleges, Coaching centers, Companies or
any other institutes who want to take online or offline (in case of LAN) Quizes, Exams, Tests, Competitions,
Challenges or Surveys.

Quiz Plus is a single page (SPA) web application developed by Vue.js with .NET core 5 API and
you have flexibility to choose Sql server, Mysql, Sqlite, PostgreSql or Oracle as database provider.

We will keep updating this project regularly with latest version of framework, plugins, features and fixes.
Please share your feedbacks and new feature requests, we will try to implement those on upcoming versions.

Live Demo


Video Tutorial



  • Take whatever you want
  • Marks or Without Marks

  • Set your questions with marks or take survey(without marks)
  • Multiple Attempt

  • Allow users to take Quiz/Exam/Survey multiple times.
  • Multiple Answer

  • Set multiple answer for one questions.
  • Multiple Input

  • Allow user to put multiple answers.
  • Schedule Start or End

  • Set schedule start or end date for your Exam or may be both.
  • Certificate

  • Set certificate giving condition and design certificate template.
  • Result

  • Result will shown after each attempt and option for download result sheet.
  • Participant Options

  • Set participants as all registered students or a few number of students by comma separated emails.
  • Image or Video Questions

  • Both image and video are allowed to use as a question.
  • Code Snippet

  • Set questions to code snippet for programming code questions or pre-formatted text.
  • Correct answer visibility

  • Options to show/hide correct answers to students & can add answer explanation for each question.
  • Reports

  • Reports for attempted exams and option to store as PDF & Excel also certificate download option.
  • App Settings

  • Total app settings including site logo, site title, welcome message, copyright text,
    allow welcome email, allow FAQ, Email Settings, Color controls for Menu Bar , Header, Footer & Body.
  • Secure Login & Registration

  • Token based authentication & role based authorization.
  • Others

  • Forget password, Welcome email, Screen lock, Full screen mode, Profile update, Browsing data, FAQ & more….


  • Separate API and CLIENT project.
  • Swagger API documentation.
  • Material design UI template.
  • No Jquery dependency.
  • No sql file dependency.
  • Vuex for state management on client side.
  • Vue Router for navigation.
  • Axios to call Api.
  • EF core as ORM.
  • Export data on Pdf & Excel.
  • Shown chart on Dashboard using chart.js
  • Database Seeding & Migration.
  • Handle HTTP error pages(like 404,401,403 etc).
  • CORS Managing technique.
  • Api authentication & authorization using JWT.


  • .NET core 5
  • EF Core 5.0.6
  • Sql Server 2012 or higher/Mysql 5.6 or higher/Oracle 12c or higher/SqLite 3/PostgreSql 13
  • Vue 2.6
  • Vuetify 2.2
  • Vuex 3.5
  • Vue router 3.2

Quick Start Guide

Quiz Plus application has two separate project i.e. QuizPlusClient and QuizPlusApi.

  • Open QuizPlusApi project on Visual studio code. Then open appsettings.json file and replace the Connection String by your one.
  • Open terminal on VS Code and write below commands
    • dotnet ef migrations add initial
    • dotnet ef database update
    • dotnet run

    You should see your API listening at localhost:5001.

  • Now open QuizPlusClient on VS Code. Open terminal and write
    • npm install
    • npm run serve

    Your project will be running at localhost:8080.
    Please see the video tutorial or documentation for detail illustration. You may also see the live demo.

Server Requirements

  • Microsoft .NET Runtime 5
  • Sql server / Mysql / Sqlite / PostgreSql / Oracle (based on your preference)

Change Log

Version 1.1

  • Add Question wise set mark option
  • Email Settings add in App Settings
  • Fix PDF export issue for long width table
  • Display marks on exam time

Version 1.0

  • initial release

I request you to check the demo version before purchase. If you need further clarification, feel free to
email me at sangibruse@gmail.com

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