Bulky – WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons

Author: villathemePrice: $30

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Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons - 4

WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products helps easily work with products in bulk.  Particularly, the plugin offers sufficient simple and advanced tools to help filter various available attributes of simple and variable products such as ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slugs, SKU, Post date, range of regular price and sale price, Sale date, range of stock quantity, Product type, Categories….
Therefore, users can quickly search for wanted products fields and work with them in bulk. In short, the plugin promises to help shop owners to save time and optimize manipulation when working with products in bulk.

Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products


Filter the Products to be Bulk Edited.

You can use tools to filter products that you want to edit in bulk. Particularly, the plugin is available with the following filters all attributes of a product such as: ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slug, SKU, Range of Post date, Range of price, Range of the sale price, Range of sale date, Range of stock quantity, Range of Width, Height, Length, Weight, Product type, Product status, Stock Status, Featured, Downloadable, Sold individually, Backorders, Author, Catalog visibility, Categories, Tags, as well as Attributes.

  • ID: You can filter the range of products by product ID, separate IDs with commas.
  • Title: This allows you to filter a product with the product titles that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Excerpt: You can filter a product with the excerpt that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Slug: This allows you to filter a product with the product slug that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • SKU: This allows you to filter a product with the product SKU that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Post date: You can filter products based on the date of post.
  • Regular price: You can filter products in a range of prices.
  • Sale price:  You can filter products in a range of sale prices.
  • Sale date: The option to filter products based on the sale date.
  • Stock quantity: You can filter products in a range of stock.
  • Width: You can filter products in a range of widths.
  • Heigh: You can filter products in a range of heights
  • Length: You can filter products in a range of lengths
  • Weight: You can filter products in a range of weights.
  • Product type: Filter products by type including Simple, variable, external/Affiliate, grouped.
  • Product status: Filter products by status: Draft, pending, private, public.
  • Stock Status: You can filter products based on their current stock status such as In Stock, Out of Stock, or On Backorder.
  • Featured: Filter products by featured yes or no.
  • Downloadable: Filter products that can be downloadable.
  • Sold individually: Filter products that can be sold individually.
  • Backorders: Filter products that can be backorder: Do not allow; Allow, but notify customer; Allow.
  • Author: Filter products based on the author.
  • Catalog visibility: Filter products based on catalog visibility: Shop and search results, Shop only, Search results only, Hidden.
  • Tags: You can choose various product tags or tags for filtering products.
  •  Product attributes: If you have created global attributes in your WooCommerce Attributes settings, they will be shown in this setting. Moreover, you can use
    global product attributes to filter the products for editing. Once you have selected an attribute, you can select the desired Product Attribute Values for deeper filtering.


Filter fields to be Bulk Edited.

You can easily select one or/and many fields of product to interact and work with. In particular, this helps to filter relevant fields that you are interested in and observe objects and tables more conveniently and effectively. Fields can be selected including Image, SKU, Slug, Description, Short Desc, Gallery, Attributes, Grouped, Product URL, Button text, Status, Password, Featured, Regular price, Sale price, Sale date from, Sale date to, Manage stock, Stock, Stock status, Allow backorder, Sold individually, Virtual, Categories, Tags, Width, Height, Length, Weight, Upsell, Cross-sell, Downloadable, Purchase note, Menu order, Enable reviews, Catalog visibility, Shipping class. Leave empty if you filter all fields.


Filter exclude fields to be Bulk Edited.

If you need to filter all fields of product but some fields need to be excluded, you can select one or/and many fields for this purpose.

Fields can be selected to exclude: Image, SKU, Slug, Description, Short Desc, Gallery, Attributes, Grouped, Product URL, Button text, Status, Password, Featured, Regular price, Sale price, Sale date from, Sale date to, Manage stock, Stock, Stock status, Allow backorder, Sold individually, Virtual, Categories, Tags, Width, Height, Length, Weight, Upsell, Cross-sell, Downloadable, Purchase note, Menu order, Enable reviews, Catalog visibility, Shipping class.


Edit WooCommerce Products in Bulk.

You can bulk edit/update product properties including, you can learn how to edit these properties in
our documentation.

  • Product Title
  • Product type
  • Image
  • SKU
  • Slug
  • Description
  • Short desc
  • Gallery
  • Attributes
  • Default attributes
  • Grouped
  • Product URL
  • Button text
  • Status
  • Password
  • Feature
  • Regular price
  • Sale price
  • Sale date
  • Manage stock
  • Stock
  • Stock status
  • All backorder
  • Sold individually
  • Virtual
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Weight
  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
  • Upsells
  • Cross-sells
  • Downloadable
  • Download_file
  • Download_limit
  • Download_expiry
  • Purchase note
  • Menu order
  • Enable reviews
  • Catalog visibility
  • Shipping class


Manipulations with the product table and cells.

  • Select objects: Entire table; Columns; Rows,
  • Undo update.
  • Right-click to edit objects.
  • Copy – Paste
  • Select a range
  • Apply an edit to other cells by dragging the fill handle
  • Delete selected objects
  • Order ascending
  • Order descending.
  • Find and Replace.


Other outstanding features:

  • The Search tool to find the fields to edit. On the other hand, you can save time to quickly look for fields you want to edit.
  • Load variations option.
  • Filter orders by ID, Title, Regular price, Sale price, SKU. Even more, you can filter orders by some available fields
  • Save filter when reloading the page. In particular, the save filter button helps to save all your settings so that the selected options will remain even when you load the page.
  • Bulk edit Custom meta fields from third-party plugins.
  • History to record the edits.


/** 1.1.4 - 2021.11.22 **/
- Fixed: Select fields to edit
- Update: Copy data between columns same type

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