Azul Fortnite Daily shop, UpComing shop, Items, news [ Admob ] with panel

Author: Azul_MouadPrice: $26

If you are looking to publish an amazing clean app for Fortnite daily shop, upcoming shop, items, news and leaks for your BR, then you are in right place! Azul Fort App made with Flutter, it’s a really great app that will allow you to increase your Revenue x3,

Check daily shop, upcoming shop, items, news and leaks for your BR
No need to open the PC and Console anymore


Features :

  • Working with Android Studio Project, Visual Studio. Very simple code. Everything is also described in the instructions for download after purchase.
  • Easy to reskin.
  • Material Design.
  • Api
  • Google Admob banner / Native / Interstitial integrated.
  • Google Firebase integrated
  • Daily shop
  • Upcoming shop
  • Check all items
  • News and updates
  • Subscribe shop item and get notified on updates

Download demo:


Panel demo:

  • Upload News



  • Edit News


Note : If you want to reskin the project I can do it for you, after purchasing the project contact me



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