WooCommerce Save for Later

Author: xpertsclubPrice: $29

What is it:

WooCommerce Save for Later allows your customers to move the products which they plan to purchase later to seperate Save for Later list. The products from the save for later list can be purchased later.

Why use this extension:

Your customers can move the products they are not planning to purchase at that point of time from cart to a Save for Later list. The products saved on their list will be displayed on the cart page, my account pages and your customers can add those products again to their cart and complete their purchase.

So that you can:

  • Increases Conversion Rate
  • Reduces Cart Abandonment
  • Saves Time for your Customers

What’s included:

  • Works for logged in customers.
  • Logged in customers can move items from cart to save for later list.
  • Customers can move back the items from save for later list to cart from cart and my account pages and complete their purchase.
  • Works for both simple & variable products.
  • Products will be saved in the Save for Later list with quantity.
  • Admin can view save for later list of any customer.

How it works:

To make it work, just follow the installation instructions and activate the plugin. Post installation, navigate to WP Admin Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Save for Later and configure your settings. No coding is required.

Setup and Configuration:

Admin Settings

WooCommerce Save for Later admin screen

  • Enable Save for Later : By ticking this checkbox admin can Save for Later feature.
  • Save for Later link label :Admin can input the label for save for later link which displays in the cart page.
  • Save for Later heading :Admin can input their own text to the save for later section heading.
  • Save for Later table columns :Admin can tick the columns to show in the save for later list.

Save for Later view for Admin

Admin can view the save for later list by navigating to WooCommerce > Save for Later Products

WooCommerce Save for Later list for admin

Customer View

Cart Page

Customer can move the products from cart to save for later list and vise versa from cart page.

WooCommerce Save for Later list for admin
WooCommerce Save for Later list for admin

My Account Page

Customer can move the products from cart to save for later list from my account page as well.

WooCommerce Save for Later list for admin


WordPress / WooCommerce troubleshooting.


Does it work for guest users as well?

As of now it only works for logged in users. We will add guest users support in the coming release if our clients (you) need it.

Can customer move back the products from save for later list to cart?

Yes of course. Your customers can move the products from save for later list to cart and complete the purchase. This can be done from both cart and my account pages as well.

Will the quantity of products too stored in the save for later list?

Yes, the quantity of the products too saved in the list along with products.

Does admin has a view to see the save for later list?

Yes, admin can view the save for later list by navigating to WooCommerce > Save for Later Products

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