WPForms Repeater Field

Author: WPCannyPrice: $29

Collecting repeatable data is a frequent need when building WordPress forms. Whether you’re registering players for a team, recording employees working for a company, or purchasing multiple configurable products on a single checkout form you’ll need a way to collect repeatable data. This addon allows your visitors to add new sets of fields while filling out forms and collects repeatable data for the WPForms plugin.

Latest WPForms Repeater 1.1.0 supports Conditional Logic and Payment fields.


Here is the demo for Employee Record form

WPForms Employee Record form

Plugin Features

  • Conditional Logic support.
  • Payment fields support.
  • Unlimited repeatable fields.
  • Maximum repeat limit control.
  • Drag and drop repeatable fields.
  • Entry and print preview support.
  • HTML and plain text email support.
  • Entries export to CSV/XLSX support.
  • Multi-page or Multi-part form support.
  • Smart tags plays well with email notification.
  • Repeater button labels and style customization.
  • Works with WPForms (Pro) fields – except File upload.
  • No coding required, Translation ready and many more…

Customizable Features

  • Repeater label can be hidden on frontend.
  • Repeater label alignment supports: Left, Center or Right position.
  • Repeater buttons alignment supports: Left, Center or Right position.
  • Repeater button style supports: Text, Icon or Icon with Text mode.
  • Repeater Add or Remove button label can be changed as required.
  • Supports Maximum Repeat Limit. Default is 0 which results unlimited.

Help and Support

For support and feature requests, please send a message via the
Support page.

Pre-sale questions

If you are evaluating the WPForms Repeater plugin and you have questions you can send a message, we will be happy to help you to find the answers you are looking for.


== Changelog ==

= 1.1.0 - 27-11-2021 =
* Feature - Conditional logic is supported.
* Feature - Payment field types are supported.
* Fix - Smart Phone field not working.
* Fix - Date / Time field not working.
* Fix - Dropdown field modern style not working.
* Fix - Add support for Field Description option.
* Fix - Hide the repeater field from the entry preview.
* Fix - Entry preview is missing after form submission.

= 1.0.1 - 21-09-2021 =
* Fix - Corrected the documentation link on the plugins page.
* Fix - Remove button action on the first load should be hidden.
* Fix - Button having bolder font-weight on some popular themes.
* Dev - Development and build-related glitches.

= 1.0.0 - 06-09-2021 =
* Initial release.

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