Pharmacy Management System

Author: njunwa1Price: $100

Pharmacy Management Information System

Pharmacy Management System is the Point of Sales System developed using Flask Python web minimalistic framework for Wholesale and Retail pharmacies . The system supports moderm technologies of POS such as Barcode Reader and Thermal receipt printing”

System Features

  • For Retail or Wholesale Pharmacy
  • Supports POS Hardware(Barcode reader(1D and 2D), Receipt Printer)
  • User-Role based access control
  • Inventory and Stock Management
  • Expiring Drugs management
  • Records all running expenses and Deposits
  • Reports
    • Sales Reports
    • Purchase orders
    • Profit and Loss Report
  • Demo is available online
  • Can work Both Offline and Online

1. Getting Started With Upendo PIMS

To top

System Requirements

Upendo PMIS is written in Python using the Flask Minimalistic Web Framework.

Minimum Requirements

  • Linux or Windows OS
  • Python 2.7+
    • Flask 2.0.1
    • Gunicorn/ uWSGI or FastSGI
  • PostregreSQL
  • System works with all uptodate browsers.

3. General Settings

After signing in, go to the settings page and change the your default pharmacy settings

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Currency Symbol with 3-character code.

  • AED: United Arab Emirates Dirham
  • AFN: Afghan Afghani

4. System Roles, Permissions and users

New Roles

Add New Role: To Add New User Navigate to System Roles -> Add Role and And fill out the form in the window that popus up


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Add Permissions to Roles

Update Permissions: To Add New User Navigate to System Users -> And fill out the form


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New Users

Add New Users: To Add New User Navigate to System Users -> And fill out the form



Take note to select the appropriate user level when creating the different user account i.e

Select 1 for Administrator

Select 2 for Dispenser

Select 3 for Cashier.

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5. Order and Payment Types

Order Types

There Can be Various Order Types

  • Invoice—The Pharmacist only places order Only and the cashier accepts and receives money
  • Receipt—The Pharmacist Can place order and receive payment and print receipt at the same time

Add New Order Type: To Add New Order Type Navigate to Order Types -> Add Order Type and And fill out the form in the window that popus up

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Payments Types

There Can be Various Payment Types

  • Cash
  • Bank Deposit
  • Mobile Money

Add Payment Type: To Add New Payment Type Navigate to Settings->Payment Types -> New Pay Type And fill out the form


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6. Customers

New Customers

Because the Pharmacy can be busy and client can be uncorfortable to be registered, the System needs to have a Default Customer

By Convention : You can add this Customer to have a Name of :

  • POS Customer

Add New Customer: To Add New Customer Navigate to Customers -> And fill out the form

Other Parameters like age and contact details are optional

This section is intended to capture any customer information that you might want to remember in the future.

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7. Suppliers and Purchase Orders


Now that your system is setup and ready for sales

You need to have Suppliers from which you will purchase Drugs

To Create your suppliers, Navigate to Suppliers -> and fillout the form. To edit or delete suppliers, click the repective buttons and adjust accordingly.

Suppliers are added so as to trace back some medicines that might have problems e.g short expiry from particular suppliers

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Purchase Orders

Now Record the Purchase Order from the above recorded Supplier

Every Drug in the system will have a reference to their specific Purchase Order

To Create Purchase OrderNavigate to Dispenser->Purchase Order

Purchase Order Ref can be Invoice No or Receipt No

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8. Deposits

Create a Deposit

Deposits are how you keep track the amount of Cash the cashier receives and any money that is taken out of the pharmacy either being banked or taken by the owner, this is where it is recorded. Create a bank account to track where the money is being deposited


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9. Drug Categories and Drug List

Drug Categories: The system comes with a medicine categories in excel sheet, that you can edit and Upload.

Before registering a Drug Generic Name, you will need to add drug categories


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Medicine List: The system comes with a medicine list in excel sheet, that you can edit and Upload.
However the list may not applicable to many countries that is why there is an option to add, delete or edit medicines on to the master list.


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10. Add Stock

Before Begining Sales, you will need to Add stock to the invenotry
Remember, this can only be added after doing a Purchase and Registering the Purchase Order
To access the Add Stock Menu, Navigate to Drug Inventory-> Add new Product


Step 1: Toggle the side bar menu on and off to get more working space

Step 2: Search the Order Reference number and click on the reference number to populate the Order details Inputs

Step 3: Press the + Button on the Bottom Left of the form

Step 4: On the Window that Pops Up, Search the Generic Drug Name of the product you want to add, make selection

Step 5: Fill the rest to the fields accordingly.You can use the purchase Order Invoice printout to fill the fields.
Medicines are entered in their smallest units ie tablets, bottles and NOT packets or boxes. For example if you receive 2 packet of Amoxicillin caps 250mg and each packet with 10 Blister, and each Blister has 10 Capsules,
therefor the quantity received is 2 X 10 X 10 = 200.
With this in mind, also the prices have to be calculated and input into the system per tablet. or per packet in drugs that are not sold on basis of Tabs e.g Artemether Lumefantrine

(IMPORTANT) The Barcode Input is Optional and may be used by using Barcode Reader
IMPORTANT Batch No or Lot Number is mandatory because of market fluctuations of Drugs, this feature can be disabled upon request, but will give false estimations of profit in drugs that have price fluctuation on every Purchase

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11. Purchase History

Review the medicine purchase history where you get to view the Invoice PDF as appears on the Invoice from Supplier

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12. Stock Monitoring

1. Stock Levels

Here you will monitor the stock levels of the remaining balances of each item.
The window gives you the remaining cumulative total for each item
All the items highlighted in orange are the ones below the re-order level.
At this point you have a Menu to add New Product

The System Supports Adjust stock levels incase items are damaged, editing price details e.t.c

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2. Out of stock:

Click here to view all the items that have run out of stock.

This part of module requires the dispenser to take action, once the item Out of stock has been puchased, the dispenser should take action to remove this item from the list

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13. Expiries

To top

1. Soon Expiring:

Upendo PIMS will give you records of items soon expiring based on Date Range, this will be useful to help you sell medicine before they expire.


2. Expired Medicine:

Upendo PIMS will give you records of items that have expired, this will be useful to help you remove the medicine from the shelf.

Select Dates that are below the current Date to see expired drugs

The Dispenser will have to mark the item as Resolved to indicate item has been removed from the Shelf

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14. Point of Sale


Step 1: Click POS from the Dispenser menu.

Step 2:Select Order Type as Invoice or Receipt based on your role

Step 3: Search Product by typing first few characters of either the trade or generic name to select the desired product.

You Can also search the item by using Barcode and Barcode Reader

Step 4: Input the quantity you want to sell. NOTE Quantity remaining because inputing a value greater than that will result in the inventory having negatives.

Step 5: This is intended to put a DISCOUNT to the selling price, the discount value is per smallest selling unit i.e per tablet. For example the selling price of paracetamol 500mg is 50, if you need to sell the medicine at 45, input 5 as the discount value.

Step 6: Ensure to Have a Default Customer Name or Register a New customer if he/she wishes so.

Step 8: If the Pharmacy has A cashier then, on Save Payment the client will be redirected to pay at cashier window

Step 9: Incase of Pharmacist acting as a dispenser and Cashier then, Upendo PIMS is cofigured to work with Thermal receipt printers, therefore on successfuly payment the receipt will be printed out a receipt.
Consider disabling printer dialog pop up in your browser for quick printing.

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<section id=”cashier”>

15. Billing and Cashier

Some Dispensing Outlets and Pharmacies normally have a cashier, whose role is to accept orders and collect money from clients

Under Cashier Module->Pending Order

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<section id=”methods”>

16. Expenditures

To Add Edit Expenses Navigate to- Expenditures.

Please Note that, the description is intended to give more explanation on the expense that has been incurred.

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17. Reports

In Upendo PIMS All Reports will be generated automatically based on your transactions with the ability to be exported into PDF.

Available Reports:

Sales Reports: Reports for Income with all transaction filtered by the selected date range.

Income Vs Expense Vs Loss from expired/damaged drugs: Automatically generated snapshot of your income & expense, so that you can compare.

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18. The End

Thank you for purchasing Upendo Pharmacy management Application. I hope you will enjoy using this application. For customisations, contact us at OR

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