Single Product(Item) Stripe Checkout .NET MVC Web Software program constructed with C#

Author: fahimslashPrice: $20

Place elevated acceptance rates, block fraud and remark frictionless buyer experiences with a strategic accomplice for undertaking agencies.

Checkout creates a stable, Stripe-hosted fee web page that lets in you to bag funds like a flash. It actually works across units and can motivate increase your conversion. Checkout makes it easy to create a first class funds ride.
Designed to rob away friction— Right-time card validation with constructed-in error messaging.
Customization and branding—Customizable buttons and background color.
Fraud and compliance—Simplified PCI compliance, SCA-ready, and CAPTCHAs to mitigate card testing assaults.
The appliance helps 3D Stable:
The Charge Intents API that makes exhaust of Stripe’s SCA logic to apply the merely exemption and trigger 3D Stable when necessary.

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