WebOS | Configurable React Native Inferior-Platform WebView App Template

Author: softisiaPrice: $19

WebOS Description


WebOS is a React Native app in step with WebView. WebOS is constructed-in with JSON files that can perhaps well be with out considerations edited to
configure the App. You don’t opt to edit the principle app code except it is crucial so that you simply may perhaps add more parts. This WebOS APP
templates usages the most fresh model of React Native & Expo SDK. So the use of this similar app template you render both
Android and IOS app on the equivalent time. You don’t opt to acquire any extra app template for android or IOS.

Know-how Former

  • React (v17.0.1)
  • React Native (v0.64.3)
  • Expo SDK (v44.0.0)
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • JSON
  • Textual explain Editor: VSCode, Atom


  • Google Cloth Gather
  • In App Evaluation
  • In App Substitute
  • RTL Supported
  • Straightforward configuration the use of JSON File
  • Smartly
  • Easy Code with precious feedback
  • Splash Disguise
  • Responsive Gather
  • Web explain Error and Offline Dealing with
  • Helps Downloading, Importing files

Dwell Demo (Click the image to Preview)

Live Demo

What you gain

  • Elephantine React Native Provide Code
  • JSON files to configure the app


WebDroid v1.0.0 
- Initial Release

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