Responsive CSS Pricing Tables

Author: pankajsubedi136Price: $5

Responsive CSS Pricing Tables

CSS Responsive pricing tables consist of 10 assorted responsive and clear pricing tables.
Loaded with google fonts. With pure standard CSS 3. Acceptable with all essential browsers. Actual for any
cloak cloak sizes.


  • 10 assorted standard kinds
  • Responsive layout. Enhance any cloak cloak size.
  • Keen and Recent way
  • All essential browsers supported
  • Latest know-how
  • Cruise carry out
  • Easy to utilize
  • Easy to customize
  • Google web fonts
  • Keen and effectively commented.


The template makes utilize of Google API Fonts machine. Magnificent refer inside of the trace your desired font (defaults:
‘Ubuntu’ , ‘PT Sans’) after which high-tail to pricing.css file and change the string along with your font ID. For
more data and fonts check the following URL :


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